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Please Note: The “Citizens’ Legislature of Missouri” is not (and will not be) an actual legislative body with governing powers. This “Inaugural Session” is being convened and conducted as a demonstration of how a system of Proxies for Citizens will transform the General Assembly into truly a democratic institution.
Here are the details of how Citizen Legislators will be selected and how the business of the Inaugural Session of the Citizens' Legislature of Missouri will be conducted:
Any individual who would like to serve as a Citizen Legislator can “file” to run for that position by sending an email to with a brief statement (500 words or less) of the three pieces of legislation they would introduce and support as a Citizen Legislator. Those statements will be posted on this page in the order they are received. The only qualification for candidates is that you must be actively circulating our petitions for a Perfect Democracy Amendment and a Proxies for Citizens amendment in Missouri.
One hundred Citizen Legislators will be selected using Proxies as ballots. Any “Politically Active Citizen” (anyone who is actively gathering signatures on our initiative petitions) will be able to “vote” through an “Online Account for Politically Active Citizens” by sending an email to on or before 7 pm Central time on March 21st designating the candidate to whom they are assigning their proxy.
The one hundred candidates who have the most proxies at that time will be elected Citizen Legislators for the Inaugural Session of the Citizens’ Legislature of Missouri. In the event that one or more of the candidates is unable to attend the Inaugural Session, the candidate(s) who had the next highest number of proxies at 7 pm on March 21st will take their place.
Polls consistently show that the top two concerns of the citizens of Missouri are economic security and access to affordable health care. My personal top concern is the increasingly dire effects we are experiencing as a result of the failure of our government to respond appropriately to the existential threat posed by global warming. I am concerned for the welfare of my children and grandchildren and everyone else’s children and grandchildren.
Although there are many other pieces of legislation we need to get passed due to the fact that our system is rigged and our vaunted system of “checks and balances” has proven to be a formula for gridlock by design, my top three priorities would be three revenue-neutral projects:
The Renewable Energy Project would reopen factories around the state of Missouri and put people to work on well-paid union jobs manufacturing solar panels, which would then be sold or leased to individuals in Missouri, at cost, with zero interest loans available to pay over a 20 year period.
The Affordable Homes Project would authorize the state of Missouri to issue bonds to construct energy efficient, climate resilient homes at a variety of price points that would then be sold at cost through no money down, interest free mortgages, to citizens whose income is below the median income in Missouri. Citizens purchasing homes through this project would pay only the actual cost of constructing and maintaining the home.
As mortgage payments begin to be received, those funds would be used to construct additional homes.
The Missouri Health Care Cooperative would reduce the cost of healthcare for citizens of Missouri by 40% or more by eliminating the involvement of private, for-profit health insurance companies that add tremendously to the cost of health care in Missouri, without adding anything to our health care system in terms of either the quality or the quantity of care provided. Membership dues would be based on a percentage of each member’s income, adjusted annually, and set no higher than necessary to cover the collective health care costs of the members.
If you agree with me that these are the three proposals that most effectively address the concerns of Missourians, I would appreciate your consideration and support as you decide which candidate you will entrust with your proxy.
To "file" to run for a seat in the Citizens' Legislature of Missouri, send an email to stating your top three priorities for legislation that should be enacted in Missouri at present.
The material on this website is adapted from a soon to be published book: Government by the People: A Citizen's Guide to Making America a Perfect Democracy by Winston Apple.
Content is Copyright 2025 Gary Winston Apple, unless otherwise noted..
Permission is granted to share with proper attribution. All Rights are Reserved.
This website is paid for by Perfect Democracy - a 501(c)4 political action committee.